samedi 21 mai 2011

Religious people are insane.

Here is an excerp that I will like to share in my blog. It concerns a passage that i have read from a book by Osho called "The book of understanding" where he has stated his "common sensical" perspective on what religion is to him. Being full of common sense, I decided to publish it here in my blog, so as to show to all who are willing to hear, the insanity in the belief in a God.

Excerp from The Book of Understanding by Osho:

When I say God is the greatest enemy of religiousness, it is going to shock the so-called religious people, because they think praying to God, worshipping God, surrendering to God is what religion is. They have never thought about responsibility, freedom, growth, consciousness, being; they have never bothered – and yet these are the real religious questions. These people are not aware of what they are losing. They are losing all that is valuable, everything that is beautiful, and everything that can become a blessing to them. The so-called religious person starts focussing on a fiction and forgets his own reality, forgets himself and thinks of somebody there, above, in the sky. That person above in the sky is non-existential, but you can focus on any nonexistential thing and forget yourself in that focussing. And that is where real religion happens – within you.

Hence prayer has nothing to do with religion. What are you doing in prayer? You are creating first an image of your own imagination, surrendering to your own imagination, then talking to that image. You are just performing an insane act. In all the churches, in all the synagogues, in all the temples and in all the mosques of the world, these people are doing something insane but the whole earth is full of these insane people.

Because they have been doing this for centuries and you have accepted them as religious, it shocks you when I say that they are not religious. They are not even normal – to be religious is far away. They are below normal. They are doing something so stupid that if they go on doing it, whatsoever little intelligence is left in them, by and will go down the drain. Perhaps it has already gone.

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