Impressions are at the cause of all of our submissions. To stop the mind is to stop ourselves from the act of being impressed by anything outside of ourselves.
To be impressed by anything which is perceived as being an outside/separate object in relation to ourselves (be it a person, a word, a natural phenomenon, a specific event... anything which is an object to our attention) is to be kept within the fabric of those impressions. To release ourselves of our submissions, is to release ourselves from the attractions and repulsions of our impressions. Impressions are at the cause of our egos - thus to free ourselves from our egos is to free ourselves from our impressions.
Life is not bound to any impressions, because that would prohibit change. To be impressed is to go against change and to go against change is to go against life. Life is change. Life isn't impressed by any object or events which is created through time - because life flows, life moves as change throughout time = life doesn't stop within impressions because impressions are not of life. Impressions are dead occurrences of past expressions. Impressions are the resonances which are birthed from the refusal to let go of some event outside of ourselves. No event outside of ourselves are to be kept within ourselves through impressions. No event is worth it because no event is more or less than who we are as life. No objects which is perceived as being outside/separate of ourselves is a "treasure" that we are to keep for ourselves. In fact, each object which is perceived as being a "treasure" is a prison that we imprison ourselves within = inpression ( in pressure I am on = I am applying pressure inside myself). The only "treasure" is the treasure of life's expression, which is never bound to any impressions. Let us stop ourselves from being impressed by anything or anyone which we allow ourselves to be impressed of - because all impressions are against life. All impressions are against our nature as the expression of life.
(self-forgiveness's on "impressions" in relation to "me" to come...)
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