samedi 11 juin 2011

Stopping all impressions - Not letting my self be impressed by no one.

Ok, I will here explore the specific relationship that exists within myself, presumably coming from within my subconscious, between myself and the impression of myself. First of all, the reason why I stipulate that this relationship originates from within my subconscious is simple: whatever actions that I manifest first comes from a state of "pre-consciousness" which influences and directs my actions that I manifest throughout my day. Now, those actions that I am writing about here, and to which I am refering to within this moment in my mind, doesn't concern actions which are "impressive" in the sense that they generate specificly intense movements of concern within myself, but rather, that they are simple day-to-day actions which continuously represent themselves because of being birthed from an ongoing pattern of repetitive behaviour which stems from the "pre-conscious" state within my mind. This "pre-conscious" state within my mind, is perceived as being a space within my mind, which is not "objectible" meaning, that it is a space within my mind coming from an original and past awareness of myself where no differences were perceived between myself as who I was, and the outside environment as "who I was also". In other words, within this state of "pre-conscious awareness" there is no "outer" and "inner" self, as all is just but self being expressed without any self-generating differenciations - logic - simply because of the fact that a new born being - wathever the lifeform - starts life "anew" meaning, with absolutely no reference points regarding the world as the living environnement one births oneself in.

The question of impression thus arises. Because have a look, when a new born being first enters this world, there is absolutely no self-generated reference point with the being as an individual, and the outside environement as the world the being expresses itself in. This simple equation stems from the "common sensical" fact that a new born being's brain, isn't yet complete through the simple "mathematical equation" that the brain at this stage, doesn't have any self-reference points of it's past self-occurences, simply because it has no past. The fact that a new born being doesn't have a past towards which a sense of self as a "separate entity" can originate from, simply shows that at this stage, the being cannot use the tools of the "conscious mind" because of not yet having built those tools out of any past reference points. Those tools, at this stage, are continuously busy building themselves up, and it is solely through the interactions made by the newborn being within it's living environment (people and objects; the physical world) that the "tools of the mind" can be constructed. This construction of the tools of the mind is generated through a simple equation of "copying" whatever objects within the living environement that respond to a specific "imprint" which comes and is equal to an underlying fabric of a being's composition. The only available tool of understanding at this stage, is the natural tool of "imprinting" as "impressions" of the outside world - an impression is exactly what it refers to, which is the act of actively "printing into" a fabric, that which is willed to be imprinted. In other words, a new born being instinctivelly mimics the beings within it's living environnement which responds to a "pre-birthed" imprint as an "impression" that wills the new born being to further the imprints of that "impression" - through continuously reinforcing that impression through specific interactions with the beings which responds to that "pre-birthed" imprint of the new born being (an imprint which comes from the mother's woumb - wich originates from the specific compositions of a being's dna which in turn generate a specific and unique imprint which will guide the being to create it's "individualised self" when the being will have been birthed into the world). Now, this ongoing process of "inprinting" is at the core of a being's programming to it's outside influences, because have a look, at the first stages of life, there is no self-reflective self-reference points for one's sense of self, simply because of the simple mathematical equation that to have a self-reflective self-reference point, one invariably has to have a past experience towards which one builds that self-reference point. At the stage of birth however, there are no such self-reference points because those self-reference points are simply not constructed yet. The inner movement that leads the being into the act of building these self-reference points, originates from the "pre-birthed" imprint from within which the being experiences itself within it's mind. Those who respond to this "pre-birthed" imprint are thus automatically "attended upon" by the attention of the "new born being" simply because the "attention of the new born being" is automatically geared - within the "pre-birthed imprint" - towards the beings who respond to that specific "pre-birthed imprint".

At this stage however, there is no capacity to "talk or think" by the being, simply because those aspects as tools of the mind are not constructed yet - meaning, they need a self-reflective past for them to exist within one's mind. This "self-reflective past" is busy being lived out by the being at this stage, and it is specifically through those first instances of life as the first years of a new born human being, that the brain establishes the tools which will allow the being to become aware of it's own individual self and to interact within it's enviroment within a self-aware state. Once the tools will be made complete however, meaning once the mind will have established a "conscious realm" which is in essence a self-reflective realm, the link to the "pre-conscious" realm will forever be perceived as being "lost" from the perspective of the "conscious self-reflective being". This is simply due to the fact that the self-reflective realm as the "consciousness realm" absolutely cannot go back to the "pre-conscious" realm simply because of the inherent mathematical equation that exist as the "consciousness realm". The consciousness realm exists within the scope of definitions, and definitions exists within the first-hand, self-lived experiences of self-generated boundaries between an experienced phenomenon and another. The "pre-conscious realm" however, only exists within the undiferenciated realm which pre-existed the consciousness realm, as the first stages of a being's life - a stage where no self-reflective self-generated self-definitions can exist simply because of not having self-experienced life within the outer realm as the world. Because there is no such self-reflective possibility at the "pre-conscious stage", the "pre-conscious stage" cannot be reached by any means whatsoever that have been built within, through and as the "consciousness realm". In other words, the "pre-conscious realm" cannot be reached by solidified constructs within a beings conscious mind (such as static self-definitions), but can only be "reached" through the dynamic exploration of one's "imprint" as the "impressions of life" that one carries.

Bringing it back to self, to be impressed by something is to allow an imprint to be generated within my mind and to allow an imprint to be generated within my mind is to allow my self to be trapped within that "impression". The more I allow my being to be impressed by whatever outside or inner occurences that occur within my living experiences of my self, the more I allow my self to be held within and as those same impressions within my mind, thus the more I resist change through me not letting go of those impressions.

I am not an impression however, as I am life as the physical. Impressions are from the past and I am here as the living breathing expression of life as all as one as equal. Whenever I let myself be impressed by something or someone as an outside experience of myself, or whenever I let myself be impressed by an idea or a thought or a word or a feeling as an inner experience of myself, I allow myself to be "trapped" within patterns of personality which I am not.

Thus, I stop participating in impressions. I stop valuing impressions. I stop falling into impressions and remain stable here as the physical as life as all as one as equal.

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