It has come to my awareness, and i am sure to that of many others here in the forum, that there is an extensive usage of the vernacular used by desteni and those interdimentional beings, by most members of the forum who try to express their understanding of the material to others and to themselves through others. One of these expressions which is used by a wide majority in this forum and which has particularly caught my attention, once the 'knowledge' and 'direction of the movement' has been properly internalized, is the extensive usage of the term 'one as equal as life as all as breath' or a variation thereof. This 'usage' of the expression which has first been brought out, to our knowledge at least, by 'the portal' and all of the 'interdimentional beings' which communicate through 'it', has led me to question the ultimate necessity of the words in play.
Being aware of the 'superficial' meaning of those words, as the meaning which is brought out by different sources of fundamental knowledge in this world - i.e. dictionary -, the repetitious pounding of the expression 'one as equal as life as all as breath' within my mind through my participation within this site, has inevitably led me to 'question' each and every words that create that specific 'chain of words' which leads to it's 'profound meaning' in regards to 'oneness and equality'. With French being my 'mother's tongue', there is a natural distancing in regards to English that makes me filter the words that i 'read and perceive' when ingesting information that comes from English. I just do not take the superficial meaning of English words, subconsciously filtering English through a constant inner relationship with French that occurs without my conscious awareness of this internalized process. This, though, makes me 'question' the words and expressions that are being used and used again as though they hold an important 'meaning' that if 'understood correctly', could hold the key to the release of exactly that which we are trying to release ourselves from.
I mean, what is 'one as equal as life as breath as all', or a variation thereof, and what is 'within and as this or that' if we do not have the foundation within ourselves to properly seize the profound meaning of those words and through that seizing, infuse our life essence through those words so that they become the 'pure expression' of ourselves as words?
The chain of words that is needed in our current application of the process, as with the expressions 'one as equal as life as breath as all' and 'within and as', will inevitably become obsolete at one point or another, for what is the point in constantly relativizing the fact that everything we perceive through our minds, is in relation to that which is always within ourselves. To go one step further, this 'chain of words' which acts as a necessary foundation for our current but temporary understanding of 'oneness and equality', could be extrapolated into infinity, for ultimately, it denotes that everything is 'one and equal', thus no separation exists whatsoever with any words that we can muster through our collective minds. As an example, an expression which would be as valid as 'one as equal as all as life as breath' could be 'one as equal as all as life as breath as action as speaking as walking as running as seeing as smelling as hearing as touching as tasting as object as rock as flower as grass as leaves as tree as car as airplane as jet ski as boat as houses as paper as computer as screen as calendar as floor as wall as bed as bowl as glasses as gun as bullets as powder as bombs as radio as submarine as rockets as insects as caterpillars as flies as bees as ants as lice as fleas as butterflies as mosquitos as larvae as animals as cats as dogs as mice as tigers as elephants as lions as giraffes as bears as fishes as antelopes as wolves as sheep as coyotes as koala as groundhog as hedgehog as pig as cow as horse as chicken as abstract as thought as idea as feeling as emotion as concept as universe as infinite as eternal as beyond as beneath as above as below as here as there as now as future as past as never as always as movement as direction as characteristics as confidence as assertiveness as decisiveness as egoistic as self-centeredness as powerful as ambivalent as whatever as clouds as bumblebee as shit as piss as food as drinks as school as children as people as father as creator as created as united as unified as consciousness as field as subsoncsiousness as unconsciousness as shirt as hair as skin as color as sensation as pole as electricity as current as charges as neurons as brain as organ as heart as lungs as ovaries as sperm as penis as vagina as breast as muscles as desire as sex as apathy as will as neutral as polarized as positive as negative as container as containment as prison as limit as self-contained as compounding as suppressing as hiding as forgetting as suffering as dishonesties as guilt as fear as anger as shame as rejection as disregard as disrespect as respect as self-expression as empowerment as empowering as me as this as that as everything as in as between as all as over as beginning as ending as constant as inconsistent as ... (put in whatever words comes to mind here)' ad infinitum.
This linkage of specific words in the construction of a feasible way to express the 'meaning' behind 'oneness and equality' without having to name everything that exists through words in the English vocabulary - 171476 of them to be exact, according to the second edition of the oxford English dictionary - is thus a necessity. However, I question the 'necessity of words' in the absolute completion of oneness and equality as breath for all mankind, for all words are fundamentally based on separation, a separation which is automatically effective within the instant a word is internalized within the mind - for the sole purpose of 'limiting' a 'movement of sound' in a 'way/sense' that can be 'internalized', thus, comprehended by the being within and as the mind. Thus, the mere usage of 'words' is a revelation of our collective ultimate separation in the 'sense/movement' that we 'need' to 'use words' in order to 'reach understanding of each other'. This 'fundamental need' is a 'desire' nonetheless - a 'desire' which separates us through the mere 'design' of our most fundamental expression in this human physical body.
Words, therefore, are the manifested expression of our inner most desire to seek out for something 'out there' which is at the base of our collectively manifested outer reality of ever complexifying dualities. We fundamentally seek the approval, through words, that we exist infinitely as an infinite expansion of self - which words only serve to portray ourselves as a 'universal expansion principle', where there is no beginning nor end, but an endless movement which is paradoxically constant (I’m extrapolating through this post, what is given through the desteni materials). But what do the words really mean to 'me' as the life essence which uses words to express a given 'movement' of intent at a given moment in existence?
When i look at the word 'as' within the expression 'one as equal as all as life as breath' for example, what does 'as' 'mean' to me? Does it 'mean' what the dictionary tells me it 'means'? Is there a more profound 'meaning' behind the superficial usage of it's expression? Is the more profound 'meaning' of the expression 'me' within and 'as' it - 'me' within and as 'as'? Who am I within 'as'? What is 'as'? Is 'as' the perceived element which links everything together? What is that element which links everything together? Is that element 'me'? If the most profound level of understanding is the realization that every words are mere representations of an infinite being which knows no end, then why the necessity to create limited expression of ourselves through knowledge which automatically ends when the 'perceived characteristics' of a word used to describe a given piece of knowledge, reach the end of it's 'predefined/preprogrammed' 'meaning'?
Using my example, the movement behind the 'meaning' of 'as' is a movement that is defined/limited/preprogrammed by intent - an intent which translates itself within and as the limited word 'as', instead of the movement staying 'constant thus infinite' as silence/non-movement within itself. However, is 'as' truly a 'limited' preprogrammed capsule encapsulating a particular movement which, in the absolute, isn't particular whatsoever within and as the silent/non-movement of self? What is the particularity of 'as' in regards to the particularity of 'one'? What is the particularity of 'as' in regards to the particularity of 'equal'? Isn't it all just the same? Isn't it all 'me' within and as 'perceived differences' of the 'constancy' which is 'me' - indifferently?
Couldn't we ultimately say 'me me me me me me me me me' instead of 'one as equal as all as life as breath' since every creation of the mind as words is a mere reflection of 'me' through infinite refractions of 'me' within and as the words that we use. When will the necessity of words end if words are extrapolated reflections of the dualistic nature of the mind? When the mind ultimately and collectively stops, will words stop as well?
When i say 'one as equal as life as all as breath', the 'as' component within that 'chain' of words, obviously acts as a 'link' that 'chains' all words expressed within the expression as one. Just like i tried to express the ultimate extent to which this expression presupposes - in that it ultimately includes all words that we collectively use to 'communicate our differences' - 'as' ultimately act as a point which references the fact that the awareness of self is 'linked' with everything that is created within and 'as' the mind. Thus, the ultimate illusion of the necessity of the word being used in order to reach what is already the case here as 'who i am' without the mind - thus being ultimately unreachable through the tools of the mind, which is exactly what is being taught by the desteni materials.
However, in order to fully become the words we use as pure expression of ourselves as the infinite being that we are, trust must be built within and as ourselves as the words that we temporarily use to express ourselves, within the constraints of our collectively agreed upon existence. The trust of which only comes with self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-application, as diligently expressed by desteni and all those interdimentional beings that communicate through her body.
For the time being however, which is a specific stage within the process of birthing life from the physical, words are necessary for they are tools of the mind which is in itself, 'as' ourselves. Everything that is 'out there' either within the mind or within the world - which is inevitably all the same - has been created in the 'likeness of our collective agreement'. Thus, I am responsible for what i have agreed upon and the only way I can change what i have created through the acceptance of separation, is to STOP the separation within the mind as suggested by Desteni and all. Separation fuels the inner activities of the mind, thus, as long as words are deemed as separate expressions within the purpose of 'transmitting/communicating' a 'different yet complementary' perspective on existence, the 'intent' behind the 'perspective' is lost in the translation. So, it is imperative that we find the 'personal relationship' that a word has within ourselves in order to 'get rid' of the collectively agreed upon 'meaning' which is 'based on separation'. In other words, to unite ourselves with the words as pure expression of ourselves - as one and equal with the words -, we have to 'dig' within the separation that exists within the words we use, so that we reach the 'starting point' of 'commonality with ourselves' on which those words were created. Once we have 'reached' that common ground, words are no longer perceived/believed as being separate, but individualized expression of oneness as ourselves, just like every physical body is an individualized expression of oneness as ourselves - no separation, only the same common ground.
The confusion which stand as the starting point which has lead me to 'seek understanding through words', has to shift to that which is already here as me and within me - and not as an externalization of an ultimately abstract/unknowable sense of self, which is a delusive idea about 'who i am' for 'who i am' is not a seeking, but a being. Words are ultimately the manifested collective agreement of 'seeking for something' which inevitably generates confusion as a space within which that 'seeking' can be expressed within and as self. Words are meant, on the superficial level, to keep us enslaved within and as that starting point of 'confusion', because that is the ultimate meaning of words - i.e. to confuse - i.e. to generate more space for us to seek infinite understanding of ourselves instead of just being. Thus, confusion is at the service of separation, being the infinite vacuum through which we can express the separation we have all collectively agreed upon. As long as we do not release 'confusion' out of our systems and become absolutely clear that a word is a 'being' and not a 'meaning', we will be bound to separation.
Will words ultimately become obsolete? When all of humanity will agree upon our collective 'starting point' as being 'one and equal', will the need to seek communication through words of superficially different meaning still manifest itself, or will we become a unified expression of 'beingness' which invites absolutely no confusion, but only universal communion through a means that renders the usage of words obsolete?
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