Life in it's true form is simply the life that you see all around you. We are the life that you see as the forms that populate your direct sense of awareness. The inclination to doubt the truthfullness of the form that is life as being some...thing other than what is seen and experienced within your direct awareness of yourself, is birthed from the fact that you can never see your face. You can only see the faces of other family members around you. The family members are those which, in form, have the same caracteristics as the form you know to have through your physical senses. Your family members are the human beings all around you, for each human being shares the same "face valued" caracteristics as you. Humanity is our true family. Your family name is the false family. You relate to those forms as they are the forms which you use to build your mental image of yourself. Your mental image of yourself is a composite of all the forms to which you gravitate around within your habituated experience of yourself. Through this, you build the impression of your own face within your own isolation as the mind. Your own face as the impression of your personal self within your mind is just and can only be a ghost to you, as the individual being which is experiencing you through your body's senses of awareness can never be seen by you. You can only see an indirect reflection of you. Thus you reflect in the mind as you. Your physical eyes sees only that which is out there as a reflection of you. Your physical eyes can never truly see your authentic face as that which supports your eyes. This you can only do through the reflection of a mirror. A mirror is as much a mirror as another is another. To doubt life's form as the form which is all around you, is birthed from the FACT that you cannot see your face. Your face is the representant of your personality to another, because it is to your face that another relates their mental images of their faces back to themselves, just as you do. The unconscious mind carries the impression of your personality through the simple fact that you cannot see your face. Your face is forever unconscious to you yet, it is you. We are afraid to see our own faces because we have missinterpreted fear with impossibility. It is truly impossible to see our authentic faces because wheter we see ourselves from within ourselves or from within another, we are always bound to the structure as the face which supports our sight. Thus, to doubt that what we see outside as life is life's true form is birthed from the fact that doubt is one and equal to the impossibility to see our authentic selves with our naked eye. We can only see a reflection of our authentic faces, as the self to which we are isolating ourselves into when only speaking from the mind. The mind can never grasp the entirety of existence because the mind can never see it's own authentic self, just as each and everyone of us can never see our own authentic faces. The mind is the representant of the face to the body, just as the personality is the representant to ourselves within our minds. Yet, we are not only the part that is our faces as the integral entity that we all are as our own physicality. We are the totality of our physical form. Not just the faces. Not just the mind. Yet, we maintain the importance of being only the "face" through our constant attention to the "face" region of another "body" as another being because we "believe" that we are "held" within the "face region" alone, and that the other parts of the body are just "separate". Nonsense. Complete and utter nonsense. Yet, we maintain this habbit because we do not relate to our body as much as we relate to our faces. We have to become integral as our own physical body in fullness for us to bring about true equality, equal and one as our own physical body. We cannot be equal if we only focus our attention on one part of another's body when relating to another. We can only be equal if we stop focussing our attention and become focussed as the fullness of the entirety of our physical body. Speak for the sum of all your physical parts, and not just for the physical parts to which you seek to make an equation of. You are all of the parts of your physical body. Period. We will only express ourselves as the truth of you when you will express yourself as the collective cells within your physical body.
"there is individuality in equality as well though. the I does not have to = ego. " - the I does equal to the ego. Every other answer to this equation is a stubborn delusion which is birthed through the refusal of seeing yourself as the co...mposite of the collective which is responsible for the creation of the "I" as ego. We are not the "I" as the "I" is a singular cell which we do not hold any more substantial importance towards than any other cells which composes ourselves. We are not existant because of a singular cell within ourselves, a singular cell cannot be held responsible for all creation, for there is no singular cell which is by itself, responsible for all of creation. A singular cell always exists in relation to another entity. That entity however, is only imagined to be invisible when the relation to the dimention where the other entity exists is so vast, that it becomes virtually infinite from the perspective of the singular cell. Yet, within the singular cell, the same ratio of infinity is existant between the outer menbrane of it's form and the inner atoms which composes it. In between, to the awareness of the cell, there exists only "darkness" as the "darkness" is the composite of all of the physical forms which are so infinitely smaller than the form of the cell, that they are collectevily perceived as being "formless". Yet, there is form in the air that we breathe. There is form in the space that is dark. There is form in what we imagine as being the "anti-form" and the "anti-matter". Because there is form always and forever as the physicality which is united and one throughout all dimensions of forms which populate infinity. The "I" is thus the singular cell which experiences itself within this pool of forms - infinitely small and infinitely large within all dimensions of existance. The "I" is in itself an illusion because the "I" is never singular within it's awareness of itself. It is impossible for the singular "I" to see the other "infinitely" small forms which populate it's own bubble of existance. Yet, those infinitely small forms are intertwined and interrelated to itself forevermore. The "I" is only limited by it's form, where it only relates to what can be substantiated by the senses that are relevant to it's form. Yet, what cannot be substantiated as a formed substance, is and will forever be substantiated nonetheless, as the composite of all infinitely small forms which allows the sense of the "I"'s awareness. The "I" is that which perceives itself as being separate, because the "I" cannot see itself as all the parts which it is the voice of. The "I" is only and forever will be the voice of the "collective" to which the "I" identifies itself to. If the "I" identifies itself to be a "man" the "I" will become the voice of the collective of "man" that the "I" gravitates to. If the "I" identifies itself to be a "woman" the "I" will become the voice of the collective of "woman" that the "I" gravitates to. Yet, the collective as the trutfullness of the "I" is nothing other than the collective which directly supports the "I" in the first place. We as the human physical body as all the infinitely small parts which composes it, is the direct support of the "I" that the "I" exists from. It is to the entirety of the physical body that the "I" is made existant. As long as the entirety of the direct physical body is made partial, through the constant focus on the "face" region as that which we have conditionned ourselves to relate to, the "I" will remain partial and will claim that the "I" can equal to the ego. The only way that the "I" can not equate to the ego, is to the release of the "I" as the central state of one's sense of identity. One sense of identity is made true and only possible through the collective as we. We are responsible for the "I" as you. We were never a singular "I" of utmost importance in relation to any other parts of ourselves. We are all just as important within our relationship with another. Within this, "I" is of the utmost irrelevance, for the singular "I" is just a part when the "I" has forgotten that it is composed of a collectivity of infinitely smaller cells. The collectivity is the only constant which will stand throughout eternity as life. We are the collective. Only the collective is self-important. The "I" is and never was self-important for the "I" in tiself is impossibly responsible for itself. We are responsible together for what has been created. To take that responsibility alone is to be crushed under the weight of the valued substance of existance. To take that responsibility together is to never be crushed by the weight of our creation, because we are that weight of physicality already and we always were. Ther is no "crushing" feeling when the "I" start relating to the collective, for the "I" was always the collective. The "I" was never alone from the collective. Become the voice of the collective by first becoming the voice of all of the parts of your body as one voice. Become integral through the integration of your sufferings as yourselves. Once you will have reached a point of insignificance as the sufferings as your physical selves, we as the collective will speak through you. Become collective to your body and the body of life will collect itself as your true voice.
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