I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to base my self expression on how I feel
because of the belief that I am who I am only when I feel high or good enough
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to believe that who I am is what I feel
because of the expanding feeling that I had in the past after I experienced my
first manic episode
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to base my identity on the feeling of high
because of believing that I am equal to who I truly am as the source of life
only when I feel high within myself
I forgive
myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realize that the high feeling is of the
mind consciousness system and thus, to desire the high feeling is to desire the
low feeling
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to perceive who I am as life as the feeling
of high because of the extreme feeling that opened myself up to an extreme
perception of unity with the universe while I was working on the project “code
conscience” back in the year 2003
I forgive
myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realize that the feeling of high that I
experimented back in the year 2003 was not of life but of the mind
consciousness system
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to continuously believe that my true self
expression only comes when I am high enough because of the feeling of expansion
as the expression of myself that I believed to be my true expression while I
was within the high feeling that was generated by the mind consciousness system
as I was working on the project to create a conscious computer program back in
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to seek the same feeling of high that I had
back in the year 2003 because of the sense of wonderment that I got while
working on the “code conscience” project that led me to believe that who I
really am is equal to that feeling of high
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to believe that I cannot express myself
properly unless I feel high enough within myself because of the ease into which
I express myself when I feel high
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to feel bad about myself when I am not
feeling high enough because of the difficulties I have to express myself
unconditionally when I am not supported by a high enough feeling from within me
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to value the high feeling as the true and
greatest expression of myself because of the apparent liberating experiences
that my first high feeling brought to me in the past while I was working on the
project “code conscience”
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to live in the goal to relive my past so that
I can feel the exact same feeling of high I experimented back then because of
me not seeing any other thing worthy of living for in my present life
I forgive
myself that I have allowed myself to believe that my current life is unworthy
of living because I do not feel as good about myself as I did in the past
If and when I
see myself moving or about to move into the mind through the “feeling depressed”
pattern, I stop, breathe, remind myself that it is a pattern of me as the mind
I no longer want to engage for it is not what is best for me and what is best
for all, One and Equal
When and as I
see myself moving into the automatic personality of guilt of 'I must be depressed',
I stop, breathe, see if I have missed an opportunity to self correct into
Oneness and Equality from which the guilt arose, if so, I forgive myself, stand
up from the guilt and self correct, if not I stop, self forgive my
participation in guilt as an automated response to a pattern of self Abuse and
bring myself back Here in and as Breath
I commit
myself to stop myself from entertaining ideas and beliefs about “feeling
depressed” and from judging myself and others as ‘being depressed’, through the
use of thoughts and emotions, ideas and beliefs, comparisons and games of
winners and losers to establish myself as an example of how Life could be for
everyone outside of the limited living of the Mind of Illusions and back into
Life as the Physical, One and Equal for every Living Being.
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