I have been diagnosed by those of the medical
industry as being bipolar since 2003. At that particular time in my life, I
experienced states of consciousness which brought me to disconnect from reality
through the effects of the mind exercises that I was then busy doing unto
myself. What I then saw as “mind exercises” were techniques that I came upon as
I was surfing the net in search of everything that I deemed as being spiritual.
Of those techniques, one particularly caught my attention and was brought upon
the listening of a particular sound/music which was sold as brain entrainment –
within which the music that I would listen to had the designed properties of
bringing one’s state of consciousness into deeper and deeper levels of
awareness. One would listen to the music within designed orders that would propel
the listener to deeper states of awareness. The name of the music was called “holosync”
and had within its patterned sound, a “binaural beat” rhythm that would “entrain”
the mental state into deeper states of awareness, such as the beta, alpha and
theta brain wave states.
I remember that at one point during the
time when I was religiously listening to the holosync technology, I began to
perceive life differently, within which I was under the ominous impression that
I was “behind everything”. This feeling of being “behind everything” stayed
with me for weeks, where I would devote my energies in finding the cause of
that new found feeling. Without going into too much details of this experience,
I will nonetheless say that this feeling brought me to, at one point,
disconnect from reality and live experiences which would eventually lead me to
get hospitalised.
The behaviour that I manifested at the time
was the behaviour of someone who was in a “manic state of mind” as what is
described by the medical industry. What it meant for me was that, for instance,
I had too much energy thus I couldn’t sleep for days on end – where I would
find myself working on an impossible project of creating a computer program that
would have a mind of its own. Although the computer program was doomed since the
moment the idea entered my mind, I still believed that I could have eventually
created the computer program that would have a mind of its own. I was under the
influences of many different sources at the time – different sources, like my
knowledge of computers and psychology, which brought me to believe that I had
the knowhow to create such a program. However, the idea never manifested itself
as I was led to deviate from my initial goal as I was within the process of birthing
such an idea. Thus, at one point, my mother became worried for my behaviour,
where I wouldn’t sleep and stay for entire days in front of the computer,
trying to figure out the key of consciousness, as I was looking to make the
computer program conscious of itself. So, one day, when my mother saw that I
wasn’t listening to her or to my uncle who tried to convince me that I was
being led astray by my own mind, she decided to call the police so that I may be
brought to the hospital for treatment.
The police came and we decided under
common grounds, that it would be best for me to go to the hospital, which I
did. Once at the hospital, they eventually diagnosed my condition as being that
of bipolar disorder. Having been forced to stay at the hospital for 3 weeks, I
was medicated intensely so as to treat the condition of mind I was under as I
first came to the hospital.
However, I never saw my condition as being
an illness of some sorts, but rather saw it as being a gift that I needed to
uncover for myself. What I experienced within the manic state of mind was so
out of the ordinary that I was brought to believe that whatever I experienced
within that mind set was real. That was not what those of the medical industry
believed however, and I was forced to take on medication for what they then
told me would be of 5 years.
Having never seen myself as being ill, I
never respected the doctor’s orders thus never took the medication that was
prescribed to me. This had caused me to experience 4 more manic episodes, all
of which brought me to subsequent hospitalisation, the latest of which was the
one that I experienced last year – whereas I had to be hospitalised for a bit
more than 3 months. Within my latest hospitalisation, I have been ordered by
the court to take my medication, for the medical industry and the legal system
had come under the agreement that it would be best for me to take my
medication, considering my past hospitalisations and my tendency to not take
the medication that was prescribed to me. Thus, ever since October 2011, I am
now forced to take medication, where I have regular meetings with my
psychiatrist and nurse in order to check my system for the proper amount of
medicine in my blood – to ensure that I do take the medication.
So, even though I despise the effect that
the medication has upon my body, I still continue on taking the meds through the
imposed force of the legal system. Although I still do not respect the amount
of medication that has been prescribed to treat my condition, I still take the
medication – although to lesser amount than what the doctors believe – which
brings me to feel rather confused most of the time.
The state of mind which triggered my
condition was a state of “manic mindset”. This particular mindset created a
cycle within my system where it would return almost to the exact same moment of
year from that moment on – within which I would re-live such a mindset almost
every year which had brought me to subsequent hospitalisations, all of which I
did not respect the posology of the doctors until the last hospitalisation of
last year.
Since the bipolar disorder is still a big
part of my “psychological makeup”, I will do self-forgiveness on the points of
me facing my mental condition and the imposed taking of the medication.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to develop the condition of “manic disorder” because of having
allowed myself to enter the trap of the mind which brought me to believe that I
was “special” because of having experienced a “manic episode” which brought me
to “perceive” reality from a perspective which was then new to me – within which
I experienced sensations that I never experienced before.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to believe that the sensations that I first experienced back in
2003 were experiences that would make me “more special than others” because of the
new found perspectives from which I then perceive the NOW moment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to entertain the idea that the sensation that I found back in
2003, would return cyclically because of the belief that I had then opened up a
door within my mind which would manifest itself every year from that point on.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted
and allowed myself to realise that the new found sensations that I then found
to be new within my perspective of life at the moment, were traps of the mind consciousness
system from within which I would only perceive other dimensions of the mind
consciousness system which is not real in the first place, but only a virtual
representation of reality which is here as the physical as all as one as equal.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to fear taking the medication that was prescribed to me by the
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to feel confused when I take on the medication that was
prescribed to me last year by the psychiatrist.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to feel sleepy when I take on the medication that was prescribed
to me last year by the psychiatrist.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to change from the effects of the medication which affected only
my mind and not my body thus, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed
myself to react to the effects the medication has on the mind consciousness
system, through reactions of depression and happiness induced by the
medications rather than remaining here stable as the physical as all as one as
equal as life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to “want to kill myself” because of the imposed orders upon me
by the medical and legal system where I have to take the medications for the next
3 years, minimum or having to face the consequences of the law for not abiding
to the judge’s orders concerning the taking of the medication.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe and perceive that the mindset I was on when I was in a manic state of mind, was real - within which I perceived reality through the eyes of a particularly active mind which was the consequence of me wanting to "create a computer program" that would be "conscious" of itself.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realise that the mindset I was on as I was under the influence of the Meditative music by the name of Holosync, was externally induced thus was not really a consequence of my own spiritual advancements to which I pushed myself to be LIEf to be the case.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in a lie that I told to myself as that of being a person who is able to create a computer program that can think by itself - within which I knew deep down inside of me, as being impossible within the time frame where I had my first experience of "manic" episode.
When and as I
see myself moving into the automatic personality of guilt of ‘I must be
mentally ill’, I stop, breathe, see if I have missed an opportunity to self
correct into Oneness and Equality from which the guilt arose, if so, I forgive
myself, stand up from the guilt and self correct, if not I stop, self forgive
my participation in guilt as an automated response to a pattern of self Abuse
and bring myself back Here in and as Breath
I commit
myself to stop myself from entertaining ideas and beliefs about “feeling manic”
and from judging myself and others as ‘being less than me’, through the use of
thoughts and emotions, ideas and beliefs, comparisons and games of winners and
losers to establish myself as an example of how Life could be for everyone
outside of the limited living of the Mind of Illusions and back into Life as
the Physical, One and Equal for every Living Being.
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