mercredi 20 juin 2012

7 years journey to life: Day 42: Having to start over.

Today, I have been awarded with the “present” of being able to join the DIP program for one year for free, which I consider as being a gift that has been sent out to me by the cool folks at Desteni for having proven that I am committed with walking my process breath by breath, moment by moment and day by day – as I am now in my 42nd day of committing myself to daily writing through the tools of self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application.

Now, as I have been granted to join with the DIP program, I have consequently been granted to start with the first lessons of the program, wherein I have to gradually move up within the program, step by step to make sure that I am well acquainted with the Desteni material and that I am able to self-direct me within my own world through the self-empowering/liberating tools given by Desteni (writing, self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application). The reaction that came up within myself however, was a reaction of “oh no, I don’t want to go and read all of the Desteni material again” because of having already read all of the articles posted on the Desteni main web site – This reaction came up within me after I realised that, after logging in to my DIP account page for the first time, I would have to read the lengthy documents that are suggested to read for the purpose of the DIP program. I reacted this way because, like I said earlier, I have already read almost if not all of the articles made by Sunette and the dimensions from the web page and that I believed that because of that fact, that I could be able to bypass some of the firsts lessons because of already being well acquainted with the Desteni material.

Now obviously, this reaction is calling for self-forgiveness which I will do shortly, but I just want to clarify that after having exchanged emails with my DIP buddy, that I have realised that it is in my best interest to read what has been laid out before me in the DIP program even if it means that I’ll have to probably re-read some of the articles that I have already read in the past. It’s been a while since I read those articles, and a good review is never a bad thing since I my perspective regarding Desteni have greatly changed since I first read the articles back in the year 2008. So, I’m sure that the exercise in reading all of the documents that will be sent out to me in the course of my DIP participation, will be worth my while, since it will allow me to attune my perspective towards the Desteni material so that I may stand clear within and as the depths of myself regarding what I have committed myself to, which is the 7 to 14 years process of self-purification in order that I may script myself into what is best for all life, as what is best for all life is best for myself. For more information regarding this process, see here.

Self-forgiveness on the reactions that came up – having to start over:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within spite as myself when I became aware that I would have to start over with the lectures of the Desteni material, wherein I was discouraged at the notion that I would probably have to re-read some of the documents that I have already read in the past concerning the Desteni material, which meant that I would have to give more time for the lectures of the material wherein I wasn’t “happy”/”pleased” about that fact because of considering myself as being “above” the act of having to read the introduction material to Desteni. Within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within myself in a way that I silently compared myself within the silences of my mind as backchat, to that of feelings of being “happy”, wherein I have automatically/mechanically compared the idea of having to probably re-read the Desteni material again as being a “negative energetic reaction”, to the idea/perception of not having to re-read the Desteni material again as being a “positive energetic reaction”, because of the notion/belief that because of me having already read most if not all of the Desteni material, that this empowers me to skip some lessons in order to get into the lessons which are relevant to my current understanding of the Desteni material – instead of realising that it is not about my current understanding of the Desteni material, wherein I perceived myself as already knowing a lot of/about Desteni and it’s message since having read most if not all of the articles found within the Desteni web page (, but that it is about me standing within humility within the act of restarting within myself, so as to clear all points of uncertainty/misconception regarding the Desteni material, so as to stand clear within and as the process as myself so as to never look back again and be clear on all of the reasons why it is of the utmost importance for me to participate within the 7 years to life process, so that I may stop the mind/consciousness/energetic reactions within myself so that I may be able to birth life from the physical, so as to CHANGE what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to become as humanity as the abuse/misuse of life/physicality, and bring about what is best for all life, Equal and One with all living beings.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive myself as being “above” the act of having to “start from the beginning” regarding the Desteni material, because of the notion/CONception that the “knowledge and information” that I already had/have regarding the Desteni material, was/is enough for me to go directly into subjects which are at deeper levels of application within the DIP program, wherein I perceived myself as “knowledge and information” as the mind only and that from within that perspective, that I used justification/spite/blame towards my position as being “above” the position of a newcomer – instead of realising that I was actually accepting and allowing myself to participate within the polarity of the mind, as superiority and inferiority as the projected image of myself that I had of being “above” a newcomer only because of the “knowledge and information” that I had regarding the Desteni material. Within this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realise that “knowledge and information alone” is useless, and that unless knowledge and information is used for practical application within the practical living of myself HERE within and as this world, that the “knowledge and information” from within the perspective of “knowledge and information alone” is completely useless – within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use “knowledge and information” as benchmark for the consideration of my position concerning the Desteni material, whereas I used within my mind, spite and justification in order to justify my own self-righteousness within the notion that “knowledge and information alone” was enough to make me go directly to later stages of the DIP program, not seeing myself as being Equal and One with all participants within the DIP program, but seeing me as being “different”/”special” than those who are newcomer to the Desteni material – only because of the fact that I already had the “knowledge and information” concerning the Desteni material. Within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see/perceive/project me as being “different” than those who are newcomer to the Desteni material, because of the mind’s interpretation that “knowledge and information alone” in regards to the Desteni material was/is enough to make me “different”/”special” than any other newcomer of the Desteni material, not seeing/understanding or realising that “knowledge and information alone” doesn’t make me better than anyone in this world, as knowledge and information alone doesn’t change shit in this world, and that as long as I perceive and believe knowledge and information to be benchmark of my status in this world, that I am entrapping myself within the games of the mind as useless garble instead of releasing myself from such mind possessions, and become equal and one with the physical as life as all as one as Equal – wherein I am equal and one within my starting point within the DIP program, wherein I am one and equal with any newcomer to the Desteni material as I have yet to have proven myself as being worthy of Life through the 7-14 years to life process.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react negatively to the idea of having to read the introduction material to the Desteni principle from within my DIP application, whereas I experienced deception within and as myself after having first realised that I would have to read the introduction material to the Desteni principle/message over again, as I have already read most if not all of the Desteni material from the Desteni web page (, instead of realising that the act of reading the Desteni material again, presents itself as being an opportunity for me to correct/remove unconscious/subconscious beliefs systems that are still present within and as my mind, through the reading of the Desteni introduction material, wherein the act of reading the Desteni material again would grant me new perspectives towards what I/we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become as self/humanity and that from there, take a stand so as to no more accept and allow myself to be directed by illusionary beliefs systems as the mind, and to bring myself back HERE within and as the physical as the BREATH through the tools of writing, self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be deceived by the idea that I would have to re-read the Desteni material again, not realising that the deception was/is not in the act of having to re-read the Desteni material again, but that the deception was/is within the thought of myself as the thought of “not having to read the material again” as that thought is/was me deceiving myself into believing/thinking that I was “above” the act of “reading the desteni material again”, wherein it would not be necessary for me to read the Desteni material again, because of the deception that “knowledge and information” played within my mind as the self-proclaimed/self-justified god in my mind, wherein I would from within the stance of knowledge and information, claim that I already “know it all” and that because of that, that it wasn’t necessary for me to read the Desteni material again – instead of realising that the simple fact that I reacted to this information, whether slightly or greatly, proves without the shadow of a doubt that I am not “above it all” as I am still enslaved by the reactions of the mind and thus, cannot yet be trusted by life as that which is the only authoritative god in this world/existence.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realise that I was spiteful towards the newcomers to the Desteni material, as proven by my reaction of negative friction towards the fact that I would have to “get down to the levels of a newcomer” in regards to the Desteni material found within the DIP course, and relinquish my self-proclaimed/self-justified position as a “know it all” concerning the Desteni material, while the actual truth of me as self-application clearly shows that knowledge and information is useless unless it is used for practical application, wherein the “knowledge and information” regarding the Desteni material doesn’t amount to anything unless it is used for REAL actual practical application, such as the application of self-investigation through writing, self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application, and that as long as I do not practically put into use the knowledge and information found within the Desteni material, as was the case when I first read the Desteni material, that the Desteni material is useless. I know see/realise/understand the opportunity that is presenting itself to me within the act of reviewing all of the Desteni material within the newly acquired perspective of practical application, whereas I am only now ready/decided to put all of the practical information found within the Desteni material to use, which wasn’t yet the case when I first read the Desteni material. Thus, the new perspective that I know have regarding the importance of actually applying the knowledge and information found within the Desteni material, gives me a fresh and new outlook on the material, giving depths of perspective that wasn’t present within myself as I first ran through the document a few years ago.

I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing myself to participate within such games of mind polarity as the projection of myself as inferiority/superiority, through the realisation that as long as I accept and allow myself to participate within the mind as inferiority/superiority, that I automatically accept and allow myself to participate within energy as the mind which abuses/misuses substance as myself through the consumption of the physical as life for the own sustenance/survival of myself as finite Energy – to which I am ultimately not, as who I am is one and equal with the physical as life eternal, wherein there is NO ENERGY which controls who I am as the physical.

I commit myself to, through writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and self-honesty, write daily in my blog so as to become a living example to others as what it is to be a responsible human being which acts for the interest of what is best for all, as what is best for all is best for everyone, Equal and One with all living beings.

If and when I see myself moving or about to move into the mind through the reaction of “deception of starting anew” pattern, I stop, breathe, remind myself that it is a pattern of me as the mind I no longer want to engage in for it is not what is best for me and what is best for all, One and Equal.

When and as I see myself moving into the automatic personality of deception as the reaction of friction experimented when realising that I have to start anew, I stop, breathe, see if i have missed an opportunity to self-correct into Oneness and Equality from which the personality arose, if so, I forgive myself, stand up from the personality game and self-correct, if not i stop, self-forgive my participation in personality as an automated response to a pattern of self-abuse and bring myself back Here in and as Breath.

I commit myself to stop myself from entertaining ideas and beliefs about myself as the feeling/experience of deception, through the use of thoughts and emotions, learned ideas and beliefs about the human condition, comparisons and games of winners and losers to establish myself as an example of how Life could be for everyone outside of the limited living of the Mind of illusions and back into Life as the Physical, One and Equal for every living Being.

I commit myself to assist and support myself through writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and breathing – to stop the desires and stop the frictions/judgments/blame/spite within and as me and so allow me to express myself unconditionally for the first time.

See these blogs:

And other Journey to Life blogs

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