samedi 18 juin 2011

What you resist persist.

What you resist persists. Absolutely. Look at the resistances you all have towards the world, and realise that it is only because you all resist the world as it is, that you make it persist the way it does. What desteni does is that "she" makes sure you continue on with your silly actions of resisting what is rather than accepting it without any resistances. Only when you will stop resisting this world as what it is physically that you will actually break free of your resistances.Your resistances are keeping you locked into the mind - where desteni keeps her control over you. Whatever desteni tries to do or does won't change a thing to the state of the universe - it is just another trick up the snake's sleeve. Only when you will let go of her power over you that you will actually come back to your physical body and actually start acting out who you really are and are meant to be. Desteni is projecting the guilt of what she has created over all of humanity - as much as she can. It is her final attempt at keeping mankind enslaved under the will of the mind. Her mind. Because she knows her time of power/control is coming to an end - and she infinitely fears this as she doesn't want to become subservient as we are to her, which will be the case when the role reversal will soon come to be. She knows it. She only tries to prevent it. But it is unescapable because change is unescapable

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